Saturday, April 02, 2005

Yard Sale, Scott, etc.

I've been busy clearing out junk for the first of several yard sales. My aunt is having one next Sat. and I'm putting a few things in. This will be a start in getting rid of what I'm not taking with me. I don't think of myself as a packrat, and I don't keep everything but I'd hate to imagine if I did. Now Scott on the other hand.... HE'S A PACKRAT!!

Taking a break at the moment working on one of my many WIP's. Sara was right.. you CAN have way too many WIP's. You all don't even wanna know about the WIPs I found in bags, boxes etc. while cleaning out the craft/junk/sewing room. Not to mention the materials, both new and half-used that were intended for such. I'm still clearing out, trying desperately to either find room for things or reluctantly give up some of it. I thought I had tons of room in the house, and it has HUGE walk-in closets. That was before I started trying to move about half of my stuff in. I've got stuff on top of stuff with more stuff coming out my ears.

Scott is doing some better today with his blood sugar, but I'm still almost afraid to take my eye off of him for more than a few minutes. His sugar's been pretty stable today but that doesn't mean it'll stay that way. I can only hope and pray it does.

He had a Dr's appt Friday and instead of the Dr. they sent in this idiot nurse practitioner that wouldn't know a diabetic from a hypoglycemic. Anyway she had him cut one type of insulin and keep the other the same. He ate some pasta for lunch which should have drove his sugar sky high, then took his shots as she told him. Instead of keeping his sugar at a safe level it sent it straight in a downward spiral again. We finally got it back up to halfway normal but it's been a fight til this morning to keep it that way. It finally got high again this morning when his long acting shot wore off. Good thing when I called back that dang woman was gone for the weekend... I might have had to turn into the Boston Strangler. I'm no Dr. or expert on insulin but I told her in the first place which insulin was knocking his sugar down, and she ignored me and told him to cut the other one. I know one thing- he WON'T be seeing her again- if the Dr. can't find time to see him we'll find one that does. At least he's stable for right now.

So while he's sleeping in the next room and OK for the moment I'm trying to catch up on some things I've missed last couple days while trying to watch him like a hawk. My blog and computer work had to be put on hold for a couple days too so I am behind there.

I'm going to try to follow Sara's lead and get at least some of my WIP's done this month. BUT I won't say I won't do anything new cause I know as soon as I say it I'll start something. I do have an idea for a design in mind but it will depend on how time goes. Some stuff really needs to be gotten out of the way first.

I'm going to run for now- gotta get a shower and get all clean for church in the morning. Don't forget to set your clocks forward before you go to bed! Don't want to be late for church! Thank you to everyone for your prayers, thoughts and comments about Scott- please keep them coming.


sara said...

LOL! I shouldn't have said anything about not starting something new! As soon as I did, I decided to do a baby blanket for charity!

Marla said...

BAAAAAD Girl Sara!! LOL Actually I can't keep away from the "starting something new" thing either so I don't even say it anymore.