Sunday, April 24, 2005

2 down, 11/2 to go

Hi all,

just a short update as I'm in serious need of a nap, some midol or excedrin (don't have either at the moment) and some space and privacy from everything and everyone. If the phone rings one more time, I'm gonna destroy it. If one more person.... just one... asks me "Did you get so and so done"...... I'll be in jail as of the result.

OK enough- here's the update....

*Got flower girls' dresses out of the way today

*Accomplished getting another of my bridesmaids measured for her dress

*visited with my grandparents for a few minutes

*And I'm about to cage a cat who's getting into everything she's big enough.

*Thank you to those of you who have been helping look for my shower curtain I got swindled on.... no luck yet.

I'm off to go crochet something .... don't know what it will be or if it will make any sense.... and may God help the first person who disturbs me!!

Be back with a better update when I'm back to myself- which may be never at this rate! ROFL


Lulu said...

hope you feel better soon..:-)