Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Review: New Crochet Fantasy

I had the chance tonight to pick up a new Crochet Fantasy magazine and look thru. My Opinion: 95% waste of paper. There was a pretty poncho pattern in there (OK so I'm not into ponchos much but it looked good) and a couple good articles. Other than that most of the patterns were... well... repetitive. They seriously lacked that creativeness and fun of Crochet World and some others. Now THERE's patterns!

Looks like a good magazine... if you're one of those fashion designers that puts boring outfits nobody buys anyway on toothpick-skinny, ugly models and parades them down runways and calls it fashion.

Oh and another nice thing.... if you subscribed to them in January before the change of management/ownership, guess what? Your money's no good anymore. If you want the rest of the year, you gotta pay your subscription fee all over again. Forget it- glad I didn't subscribe- I usually just pick up the ones I am interested in on a newsstand.

As I said, it DID have one or two nice patterns but it's gonna take more than one or two nice patterns to get me to shell out $5-6 for a magazine. Especially with gasoline about $2/gal. Hope the next issue is better!