Sunday, March 27, 2005

Playing Catch up...

OK I'm doing playing a major game of catch up here- on almost everything. Except a nap at the moment- that will come after dinner at my MIL's in a couple hours.

Friday we worked outside the house all day, I tore down a ramp and porch while Scott put up 2 mailboxes and posts- ours and my MIL's. It's a long story but the Calvert City Postmaster is being a butthole and if we want the mailbox in front of our house instead of on the next street, my MIL has to put one up next door too. Nevermind- I just want my mail where I can get it. Anyway the rickety ramp on the side of the house is now gone... I thought the thing was rotten and would easily come all to pieces.... NOT!!!!!! Although the wood was weathered and somewhat cracked, it wasn't rotten enough to break apart or pull apart. Then some of the nails we actually had to cut- they were NOT coming out of the wood even after we cut enough of the top layer out to get a better grip on them. Even Scott, my 6'2" 235lb fiancee couldn't pull them out... one of the heads even broke off trying to get it out LOL. We finally took a rotozip saw to the things ROFL.

Was gonna do some more work Saturday but that plan was cut short- Scott's blood sugar bottomed out Saturday morning causing him to have a diabetic seizure. We finally had to call the paramedics since he was fighting us and we couldn't get close to him but by the time they got there he had come out of it and was drinking Mt. Dew and Orange Juice. Then after he drank all that, we went to eat Breakfast about an hour or so later so naturally his sugar was sky high when we came back. It finally levelled out that afternoon but he still didn't feel like doing much. He's fine- just having to watch his sugar pretty close. It isn't often something like that happens but once in a while it will spike or bottom out on him. About average once every 2-5 years is par for the course that it gets really off.

So while he was relaxing Sat and last night.... actually about 5am... I finished... or semi finished my Coming Home Poncho. OK so I cheated if you want to know the truth... I finished it enough I could wear it to church cause with all that went on Fri and Sat I didn't get much chance to finish it. I didn't cheat that much and it already looks good.... just haven't put the collar on yet, and one more row of the scallop edging. THEN I'll post pics of it!

As of right now, I'm beat- running on Adrenaline. Was gonna get a nap after church but almost forgot we had to take Easter baskets and stuff to Carson, my 4yo cousin. He's just getting old enough to get excited about everything. Of course he and Scott spent most of the time wrestling... don't know who's the bigger kid!!!

Carson- Christmas 2004

So after I have dinner at my MIL's and I get Scott off to work, I'm coming back here and do some major crashing or relaxing- whichever I feel like!! Everyone else must have been busy too- not many sites/blogs updated. Hope everyone had a great Easter.

And last, a prayer request- Please keep my friends Sharon and Kristin in your prayers, their MIL and grandmother Mrs. Brown passed away last night.


sara said...

Carson is a cutie! Tell Scott to take care of himself and I've added your requests to my prayer list. Sounds like you've been very busy. You take care of yourself, too!