Monday, March 21, 2005

Just a quickie....

Not much time today - just thought I'd post a bit more about me and a pic....

So here's a pic of me and Fiancee, Scott. Getting married in a little more than 2 months! Boy Wedding Planning is a major ordeal!

Along with getting married comes the fun of remodeling the house, learning to raise a grown child (My fiancee, that is!).... But seriously, got the master bedroom painted this past weekend and part of the hall trim. A new vanity and sink in the bathroom too. Oh and did I mention we had to clean out Grandma's house before we could start remodeling? I loved his Grandma but I seriously don't know how one 86 year old lady could amass so much STUFF, especially being a widow and living alone for 13 years! Then we don't even want to talk about the stuff I've got to go thru and move here.

But... it'll all be worth it. IF we ever get it done that is! Now to relax a bit, see if I can't crochet some til time to eat supper, and get these YarnExchange packages ready to mail out to Jess and Sara.