Thursday, March 24, 2005

Move junk or crochet.... hmmm.....

Well I don't know if I'm a day behind or a day ahead. It's kind of confusing posting tonight (or so it feels like although it's already almost 4am) stuff about yesterday (still feels like today). Does that make sense? Didn't to me either. Anyway I'm posting stuff about yesterday when it still feels like it should be yesterday- I haven't been to bed yet.

Had a major dilemma all day.... move junk to either get rid of or take to the new house with me... or crochet. Been doing some of both. I know, I'm a BAAAD girl but I just HAD to go ahead and start that Coming Home poncho for myself- doing it in homespun delft and planning to wear it Easter Sunday to church so it will look like a new outfit.. noone will pay attention to what you have on under it anyway!

Actually I used to HATE working with homespun.... always got tangled for some reason. This has worked up like a dream so far and I love it! Just don't anyone send me any (or anything made from) any of those dull and drab colors homespun likes to produce. I like the brighter or pastel colors too.... the blues and some of the variegateds. Especially one color that I don't know its name... gotta pick some up next time I go to Wal-mart- Hobby Lobby was out of it.

Actually made it to HL before they closed tonight, which is rare. They close darn early (8pm) and everything else stays open til at least 9 around here. Most stuff later. Anyway found that delft for the poncho and some Lt. coral for my teardrop granny ghan, and a green I thought matched that didn't. Oh well... another skein for charity. Maybe something for men or boys.

We never actually made it to Wal-mart tonight- it was cold and misting rain and just plain miserable out so we wound up going home.

Stereo is ready and fixed.. or so he says so I'll pick that up tomorrow. Er... today. Whatever. Whenever I get dragged out of bed anyway. Which will probably be early.

Right now I'm fading fast so I'm about to collect my cat and take her to bed with me. Sara gave me an inspiration... I'll post Angel's story in the near future... so that will probably be one of my next posts. Right now too sleeeeepppppyyyyyy..... I see Angel has fallen asleep without me in the next room... better catch up to her.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like your kitty's as lazy as night..usually during the day she's so wild she doesn't stop for 2 seconds.