Thursday, January 06, 2011

Goodwill, Sweaters and New Washer and Dryer

Hi all,

I've been playing with my new washer and dryer I got hooked up today! (*Bragging*) They are super quiet, just my height, front loading and run like a dream.

Didn't get any more yarns listed on Etsy today but definitely will soon. I've been trying to pick up a few things in the house and took one sack to Goodwill where I also found 11 (Yes, count them- 11!!) sweaters with beautiful yarns for recycling. I did miss a pretty thick dark purple one that a lady grabbed before I got to the rack though. Lots of lambswool, silk blends, cotton blends, 100% cotton and a few acrylic. Some people are yarn snobs and won't bother with the acrylic but these were pretty enough that it was worth the $2-2.50 to get quite a bit of yarn out of that sweater. If noone else will use the acrylic, I will. I am by no means a yarn snob, in fact I am not crazy about wool unless it is very soft and washable and hate using cotton yarn. Acrylic is my favorite texture, and usually holds up best and is the best to work with. I am not one of these people picky about working with synthetics like acrylic- I love it. These sweaters really are nice though- should keep me busy for a long time.

And my new washer and dryer have those extra delicate and hand washables and air dry cycles on them!! I can wash things now that would otherwise have to be done by hand. My old ones still work- they are going to a lady whose house burnt on New Years Day along with quite a few things I cleaned out she can have.

OK, I'm off to supper then some unraveling time with one of my new movies I got for Christmas and didn't have time to watch til now. This unraveling thing just might catch on after all!

Meow Creations Etsy Shop- Supplies and Crochet
Marla's Nursery
Gifts of Love


Mimi said...

OOOOO a new washer and dryer. I finally did replaced my green dyer a few years ago. I had it for over 30+ years. Just belts replaced. (Hotpoint). I never ripped up a sweater for yarn, but as high as wool is if your going to felt. That would save a bunch. Most of my things I have made that held up under lots of use and are still nice....good old Red Heart. Say what you will the stuff holds up.