Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Christmas Miracle

Hi Everyone,

No, before you skip over this, this is not one of those pass-along Christmas stories that everyone seems to come up with, although you are welcome to share it. This actually happened to one of my regular customers I see nearly every day. I believe I mentioned a while back that Mrs. Vasseur, a dear lady was ill, never woke up after heart surgery and we learned she had passed away. We kept looking for her name in the paper for funeral arrangements but never saw it. I was quite upset, we saw these people every day literally in the store. He would buy a bag of candy, walk around and talk to and hand out candy to all the cashiers, the service desk, the fitting room, any associate he could find while she rode a cart through the store and did the shopping. They are more than customers- they are friends to the whole store.

Thursday I saw Mr. Vasseur in the store while I was shopping. I went up and hugged him and said "I heard you lost Mrs. Vasseur."  He had tears in his eyes and replied "I almost did". I stared at him, puzzled. "What do you mean almost? I was told she passed away?" His Response- "SHE DID." He went on to describe that she died shortly after surgery and was placed on life support at the family's request until they were certain there was no hope. He went on, "She laid in that ICU for 16 days on life support, no sign of life when they would turn it off for a minute or two, and finally on the 15th day they told us we needed to make a decision whether to leave her on it possibly forever or turn it off. We decided to turn it off the next day. The next morning I made the call from the waiting room to the funeral home to come in that afternoon and make arrangements. As soon as I hung up the phone, the nurse came in 'Mr. Vasseur, I need to see you.' and I just asked point blank, 'Is she gone?' The nurse looked at me in awe and replied 'NO- SHE'S AWAKE'. That was a week ago and she is now at home in the recliner with a nurse with her on the road to recovery from her surgery. She'll likely be back in the store before Christmas. I just got all I could ask for for Christmas."

I just hugged him and cried and replied "You know what Mr. Vasseur? I think I did too!"

Merry Christmas Everyone- and whether you believe or not, God is with you.

Meow Creations Etsy Shop- Supplies and Crochet
Marla's Nursery
Gifts of Love


LadyM said...

Now that's a *MIRACLE* !!!!!
I "teared up" reading along, too..:)

