Monday, November 08, 2010

Another Etsy sale and I'm beat

How is Everyone this Monday morning? I'm totally beat. People have been crazy at work with the first of the month shopping, Thanksgiving shopping already started and Christmas shopping already. Yes, people are shopping for Christmas already. Of course us cashiers pick up EVERYTHING that comes thru that line- one after the other after the other after the other, and when it's non stop for 6-8 hours.... my arms can hardly move to type much less crochet. I need a vacation!! Can hardly get around work to pick up prescriptions, use computer, crochet or anything else. This is the first time really I've had to sit down in the last week or so... I was off Wed. but didn't feel like getting anything done.

On the upside I did have another etsy sale yesterday. Have to get the last two shipped today. Another $4.25 in my pocket for a set of crochet hooks. It's finally paying off a little bit. If I could just sell some of my crochet stuff instead of supplies it'd be great. I started to grab some patterns to list today as I went out the door (I hardly stay at home and do anything during the day) but my hands were full and like I said I'm so wiped out I can hardly remember my own name.

Still working on those queen anne scarves and anything else i CAN oops sorry think of now that I have a few minutes.

Later all!!

Meow Creations Etsy Shop- Supplies and Crochet
Marla's Nursery
Gifts of Love