Saturday, October 21, 2006

What's Next, Lord?

So many things have happened this month, one after the other in our house that just about anyone else would have given up. I am too tough for that. I have lost the humor sense about it I had a while back, it has ceased to be funny even after the fact, but so far I've kept a certain peace about "unlucky" things happening.

Today wasn't entirely bad- did some crocheting and loom knitting, went to Paducah to get Scott a haircut and had a really nice visit with my hairdresser (who's also a friend) and her mom, Went out to eat with my parents, walked in the mall which we hadn't done forever- no money to spend anyway. Came back and played a few games of Rummikub with my mom and now Scott's at the depot checking trucks and the cats are in the den for the moment. So I have a few moments to myself to reflect.

Two things expected were "delivered on our door" today- 1) Scott didn't get his extra vacation pay this week as he was supposed to. Typical. You can't beat anything out of a braying jackass, aka Scott's hateful, terribly abusive supervisor who can't seem to either get anything right or allow anyone to be happy for a single moment.

2)Since we didn't get the extra money we were supposed to, we have 2 insurance payments that are now late. Oh well it won't hurt a few days but it really irks me to have a bill late, especially for such a stupid reason.

Then the unexpected- Scott was wiping off his glasses tonight before going to check trucks and the frames broke. This is like the third or fourth pair he's had to break. And the wonderful part- the insurance only pays for one pair of glasses or a few boxes of contacts per year. And he just refilled his contacts a few months ago. 'Nuff said.... we'll have to pay for the glasses or repair unless we can find suitable used frames somewhere he can switch the lenses into.

So right now just pray that I keep this peace I have at the moment with everything life is throwing my way. It isn't all bad and of course it could be much much worse (Though I'm not wishing!!!!). Though I have my struggling moments, I have to remember that somehow it will all turn out alright in the end and it isn't the end of the world. With the Lord's help I can get through anything.

Instead of Why me, Lord?, I've learned to ask "What's next Lord?". As in "What are we going through together next?".


Mimi said...

My computer is letting me slowly visit everyone and I have to take Nan to the dentist go fig. God love your heart. How mamy times have I looked at Wepaw and said well I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. When your young I think you have just times like that you have to walk thru. Not to scare you but Wepaw abd I still have those times when it all seems to pile up. We do however see a light at the end of the tunnel DD out of grad school. 2 more years oh yes :). What do people without faith in God do ?? Hugs