Friday, January 13, 2012

My Beloved Angel and Heads Up $1 Sugar N Cream yarn!

Before I rave about the big sale, Those of you who have followed my blog know I talk about my cats. You've seen my posts about Angel, my white cat. She was MY baby. My beloved Angel passed away last night at the age of 9 while I was staying at my dad's. I'm glad in a way- she was getting in bad shape and I didn't really want to be at home to watch her die. I'll miss her but I know she's better off.

Really not in much of a mood today but I did want to pass along the Email I got from Michaels- Their sale next week includes $1 Sugar N Cream Yarn. Here I come!! I normally hate cotton but it is good for some projects and those who are "natural freaks or eco-crazy" seem to love it.  Good for some of my reusable projects.

I've gotten into making some scrubbies and washcloths and reusable projects lately. I love acrylic for some of these as it is easy care and the project is still reusable but some people seem to hate it because it isn't natural like cotton or wool. Doesn't make a difference to me on some things. I like the feel of it for washcloths and dishcloths and I even found a couple who agree with me it's better for shower or face scrubbies.

But I will still make cotton for my Etsy shop and gifts for those who prefer it. I'm off to do a little crocheting before I have to get ready for work. Just wanted to let you all know about Angel and the sale next week.

Meow Creations Etsy Shop- Supplies and Crochet
Marla's Nursery
Gifts of Love


Sandy said...

So sorry to hear about Angel. I know how hard it is to lose a pet that you love so much.

LadyM said...

I'm so sorry to read of Angel's "passing".I've been there with several of my "boys".I can tell you it would've been harder to take if you'd been there.

My "furry child" Chewie and I send our condolences....:(




Mimi said...

Oh Marla, I am so sorry about your beautiful Angel. I am so glad you were not there to see her go. Bless your heart. love Mimi