Monday, May 09, 2005

The Prodigal Blogger returns...

Yes, I'm still here- sorry it's been almost a week. Been trying to do about a couple month's work in a couple weeks' time or so. It's been a week and I STILL don't have everything put up from the shower yet and the duplicates etc. taken back. Well I have a few but still have a load of things to take back to Kohl's and Wal-mart where people didn't mark items off the registry as bought.

Today's been a long day and currently my sinuses are killing me. No Sudafed Non-drying Sinus (my miracle worker)in the house for almost a week now. And I haven't been able to get to the drugstore/pharmacy counter when they're open lately. Our wonderful legislators in KY passed a law the other day requiring all products containing Sudafed (or pseudophedrine I think it's called) to be dispensed only in pharmacies, you have to show an ID, they record your buying habits... and a whole bunch of other crap!! Why? Because a handful of idiots are buying it to make drugs with!! So they punish everyone by making it hard to get, watching our buying habits like everyone buying the drugs are drug pushers/sellers.... Come on you idiots, I just want some relief here- I'm no drug pusher. Just a sinus sufferer. One of millions may I add. I bet the idiots who came up with that law never had sinus problems!!

On the up side, I did manage to get MOST of the bathroom closet cleaned out in the house and our new towels etc. put up. You've never seen so many towels, washcloths etc. in your life as Grandma had in that closet. I kept a handful for cleaning, rabbit's cage etc. and still bagged up 6 Wal-mart sacks and 2 garbage size bags full of them for my dad to keep and the yard sale I'm planning in about 2 weeks.

Well, if we can get the inside of the bathroom door painted, a mirrored medicine chest put up, and carpet in the next 2 weeks I think the bathroom will be ready. Want to do carpet in the bedroom too if $$ allows- it will allow but don't know if we can do both at the same time or not. Now, if I can just get everything out of my living room... Hopefully there can be some kind of order by the time I move in.

Looks like a honeymoon is in the works for me and Scott. We didn't think we were gonna be able to manage it but I think we're gonna be able to after all! We're talking possibly Disney and stay at one of the resorts directly in Disney World... we'll see how it goes! Say a prayer that it all works out for us!

OK I'm outta here- headed upstairs for a nice hot bubble bath before working on some more of that huge mountain of thank you notes! TTFN! Ta Ta For Now! (That's Tigger Talk!)


Karla said...

Hi, Marla! Karla here! :)

I just strolled over here from your siggy in a CP post and I have enjoyed reading your posts so far. I stopped for a moment when I got to "The Daily Time" post or something like that. I had to chuckle! You write like I do, or want to anyway! I end up cutting my posts short sometimes instead of posting all I'd like. But...I just might take your lead and post my own newspaper column!

Great blog and I look forward to reading more. Congratulations on your wedding and wow on all the gifts! I love gift certificates/cards!

And how did I miss you over at Crochetville? I'll be looking out for you over there now.

Great to "Meet" you!

Karla said...

Whoops - looks like I jumped the gun on "Congratulations on your wedding" part! Congratulations on your Shower, I should've said! And God bless your marriage ceremony in June! :)

sara said...

Hey Marla!
Glad you're back! I'll pray for you and Scott and that the Honeymoon works out!! You really take it seriously when you hear "a woman's work is never done!" LOL