Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Computer (and Diet Pepsi) Break

That's what this is called- a computer break. Taking some time for ME on the puter, and who knows- may even crochet a little. Been busy running all day with errands, been to the house tonight to pick some stuff up and take some stuff. Picked up some stuff to go in my booth at the antiques/collectibles store for sale and some that goes back to the stores after shower etc. I STILL have at least 2 trips to make to different stores. I haven't taken all the stuff back to Kohl's yet and gotta make another trip to Wally World- missed a couple of things first time.

Been getting writer's cramp all night writing on that huge mountain of thank you notes from my shower. I'm MAYBE half done and I've probably written around 100 so far. Many of the gifts were from 4 or 5 people or more, and I got a TON of gifts! No I STILL don't have them all put up. It's almost more than I can get done, all the cleaning out and bagging for yard sale of old stuff and putting away the new- all before the wedding.

Especially since I'm gonna have to jerk a knot or two in a certain fiancee's tail about cleaning up around there and introduce him to the clothes hamper and garbage can. If the man knows where the two are, he's gonna learn how to use them. See, every once in a while he slips up and does the laundry or cleans the house- showing me he CAN do it.... but getting him off his rear end sometimes is a different story. Typical man. Although I can't really complain tonight- he did put up the shower rod, curtain and new commode seat in the bathroom and put my laundry cart together. More work than usual for him. Now if I can just get him to take care of his stinking laundry, clean the grime out of the shower and throw his garbage away.... he'll be perfectly trained ROFLMAO!!

Sara (who has 4 very cute kitties!!) wasn't kidding when she said a woman's work is never done!! Actually I already knew that but.... I'm getting a double dose of it between moving and wedding planning.

I have 2 pieces of good news:

1: I have to go tomorrow and talk to a lady at the Executive Inn- a part time job is open at the Antiques shop there (NOT the same one I have a booth at) and a couple of friends of ours recommended me for it. So, say a prayer there..... could use a little bit of work a few days a week. Maybe more after the wedding is over with.

2: I have a new FO!! Actually Several! The Neon afghan is finished, and the two baby afghans were finished to an extent to become two very different sized preemie afghans! And the Kitty snuggle is finished. Now to finish those two baby afghans intended for the showers this summer...

OK must get back to work.. er.. play. So I'm gonna follow in so many other bloggers' footsteps and leave you hanging abruptly. Til next time- don't do anything I wouldn't do!