Monday, August 15, 2011

Giveaway Winner! And Etsy items

Well, it came down to MIMI and LADY M on the giveaway- didn't get any comments from anyone else. So with Mr. Harley's assistance in choosing a name made into a ball to play with, it seems he likes Lady M to play with. Seems I have too many followers just "ghosting" or "lurking" and not commenting when I do post. Come on guys, at least I comment on your blogs once in a while.

SO, Lady M I will be getting you a box of yarn ready to go this week. Stay tuned guys, there may be more in the future.

I also have a couple of new items on Etsy- an afghan made a while ago as a custom that wasn't taken and the rug I finished. I'll be doing some more rugs probably as time allows. I find I quite enjoy them.  Pictures as promised:

The Afghan:

The Area Rug:




LadyM said...


I just looked, not remembering that there WAS a giveaway....and I won....:)

Harley, I adore you, and I wish I had extra treats for you, but my KITTY, Chewie, is a hog with them and ate them all!!!!

Weird, you've got plenty of "followers" on google????

I had to "restart" since blogger was giving me the "enable cookies" error...:)

Thankyou...thankyou, thankyou, dear!!!!



LadyM said...

Did you have an e-mail for me to write to???My pic is the one w/ the pink top on.I've never used the blog pics to see if I can directly communicate, so here's my e-mail addy... .



Pammy Sue said...

Hi, Marla! Just wanted to stop in and say hi! The rugs are really neat. I haven't tried making a rug yet. I'm a big overwhelmed with all my WIPs right now. Ugh.