Friday, September 02, 2011

Lady M, MOM and Shawl Progress

Hi All,

Just a few short notes before I have to get ready for *ugh* this thing called work that doesn't involve crochet!

Lady M your package is done and should go to mail today. I know it's a bit late but I have a good excuse- I kept finding skeins of yarn to stick in it!! Hope you enjoy! There's several there.

The comment I left on Pammy's blog was no joke and no dream- I actually did see my mom after she died, she spoke to me, then disappeared and I was fully awake- even got up and went back through the house after she had gone. And no, I'm not crazy- not in that respect anyway. She was really there cause I felt her shaking me on the shoulder to wake me up at first- I went in the other room to see where Scott was and he was sound asleep along with the cats so noone was moving in the house. She gave me a goodbye message then was gone. I haven't seen her since but I believe it since I've seen other things similar that noone else would but this is the first time I have been spoken to. I also saw an angel when my grandfather died. I thought I was seeing things until I finally revealed what I had seen months later then my grandmother said she saw it too and so did Scott. They didnt want to say anything for fear noone would believe them but my grandmother being 89 at the time and not always..... with us shall we say.... she was right. But she went on to describe the same thing I had seen before I described it so I knew she was right. It's strange but I've seen enough things I can't explain to believe they're there.

As for the crocodile shawl, some progress but it's slow going because I'm short on TIME!!! I may write up my pattern one day but until time permits..... gotta get one made first. And it would be my own pattern because any similarities to another or two out there would be coincidental since I haven't seen them. It's really easy and that youtube video does NOT help. It's simply crocheting around the sides of V-stitches made in the row below. If you look up one of the free patterns out there they aren't a triangle but it isn't hard to figure out the increase. Just make an extra Vstitch in each end along with along the top as directed..... VOILA! Leave it to me, I love to figure out things just to show I can!!

Ok gotta run get ready for work in a bit - spent most of my free time last couple days with this stupid wireless connection - I got it working but keeps messing up on the other puter's end when it restarts or gets messed with. Hopefully tonight won't be too tired to crochet!! Later!

Meow Creations Etsy Shop- Supplies and Crochet
Marla's Nursery
Gifts of Love


LadyM said...

Yeah...I'll keep my eyes peeled for a "bursting box"....LOL.

Enjoy the holiday...Happy Labor Day !!!!

