Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sock etc. weather coming!

Wow- cold front coming thru tonight. Supposed to be in the 90's today and low 70's tomorrow. Then high of 64 and rainy the next day. Fall is definitely here!! Sock weather!! I've already started on one pair using Pammy Sue's fav Snowflake yarn from Hobby Lobby. I was told they aren't clearancing it all out- just some colors. They do that from time to time to make room for the new. They also had fisherman's wool colors on clearance. Hopefully there'll be some left when I get paid (with a bonus and holiday pay) on Thursday.

Anyone else working on cooler weather items?? Give me some ideas guys! Gotta run- work calls shortly. If socks get finished anytime soon will show pics. Also planning tutorial for Crocodile stitch shawl if I ever get around to typing it out and taking some pics.

Meow Creations Etsy Shop- Supplies and Crochet
Marla's Nursery
Gifts of Love


Mimi said...

Zoe D. Crackers our cat is zipping around with her bottle brush tail playing with her toys so yes it cooled off here, and the cat is loving it. It annoys Copper to no end. I have started back on my log cabin granny square, made some house shoes, and nearly finished on the baby blanket. I also painted some..I rock this week.