Saturday, September 03, 2011

Been Busy.... playing with yarn

I've been busy- playing with yarn today. Sound fun? Not really- not the type of playing with yarn I wanna do. Seems my project and spare yarn stash is not only filling my house, but certain corners at my dad's.... so I've been cleaning out and sorting UFO's, finished objects that need something done with them, spare yarn to keep and "What am I saving that for" stuff. Geez what a mess. At least there's Criminal Minds and Scooby Doo marathons on to keep me company.

Scott is off this weekend but so far I haven't spent much time with him. After a grueling day at work (OK, imagine a Walmart Supercenter on the first weekend of the month on top of Labor Day weekend.... CRAZY!!) I went to my truck and called my dad as usual for the night. I started to hang up and started the truck.... it wouldn't start. Great. I thought Scott was in bed for work so my dad had to drag my grandmother out at 11:30 at night to come charge my truck. It seems the battery is fine, just a corroded cable and post that need cleaning off. It was 85 degrees last night at midnight - hot for here and about 100 yesterday and today both. Weather says it's supposed to cool down ... yeah right.

So I stayed at my dad's last night rather than get home and not be able to get back to Paducah this morning. I've been doing a little crocheting on some stuff I had with me as well as trying to sort stuff out here. I've put some stuff on ETSY esp some WOOL yarn and a couple crayon sets that need to go. Some more stuff may go later. I've got a UFO afghan I'm trying to decide to finish or to frog. I'm leaning toward frogging but it's a lotta yarn.

Meanwhile check out my ETSY shop (link below) to see what I have new or different. May list some Holiday items like Stockings soon. If you'd like something custom, send me a convo and we'll see what we can work out.

OK enough puter time, back to work... er... play... or whatever you call it! I'd rather be working on current objects. May hold another giveaway soon. Stay tuned to see.

Meow Creations Etsy Shop- Supplies and Crochet
Marla's Nursery
Gifts of Love


Mimi said...

Cleaning up yarn storage...been there, but afterwards when its done you feel so good you want to plunge into more projects... its a circle. Let me know if you win. I am nursing a bad cough and my med is making me feel good about a project I was going to frog last night. (joke).... maybe a little sip of cough syrup will help. ;)

Sandy said...

Remember the posting problem you were having? I was having it too on some blogs, and someone suggested going to your Settings, Choose Comments and then setting your Comments to either Full Page or Pop Up (NOT Embedded). Don't know if it will fix the problem or not, but I did it on mine and we'll see how it works.