Thursday, February 10, 2011

Update on my Mom

Dear Friends,

I needed to update everyone on Mom's condition. Some of you know she was admitted to the hospital Sunday night with nausea vomiting and dehydration we attributed to her severe acid reflux disease. All was going well until Monday night, Daddy left at 9:30 and everything was OK, came home and I got off work at 10 and was staying with him until the roads cleared in my area. At 12:30 am (Tues) The hospital called and says they are sending her to CCU with Breathing difficulty. My Dad tells them this is a temporary thing that sometimes is a result of her acid Reflux. They insist this is more serious so we get down there, she is on oxygen, both of her Dr's were there and stayed til about 2 and she wasn't great but she was stable. Neither of them thought anything else was bad so they both left.

At 2:40 we were sitting with her and she was talking with us when her blood pressure suddenly went very low and heart rate began dropping off. My dad ran to the desk across the hall and told them to get in there NOW, about the time he walked up their alarm went off. Her blood pressure got down to almost nothing, all 15 of the nurses on that floor were in there for the next 4 hours working to stabilize her. By 6 am Tues, they were telling us that since neither of her bowels was working and possibly both were "dead" tissue, her blood acidity was very low and her body chemistry was way off there was no hope she'd make it through the day. They stopped just short of telling us to make funeral plans.

As she slowly improved bit by bit they were able to run a few tests and ruled out a heart attack, stroke and a blood clot. The consensus is that likely her body chemistry got so out of whack that it literally shut her body down.

As of Thursday evening at 4pm she is still critical but mostly stable. Her vitals are stable with the exception of a blood pressure episode this afternoon the Dr says is common for her condition. We are nowhere near out of the woods yet but very blessed with God's help that she is here now, 48hrs ago we were told there is no hope that she can sustain life for several reasons. If they are able to keep her stabilized enough the next several days they may try to do exploratory surgery to see if the bowels are indeed the problem and what they can do to correct it. They are not hearing any sounds and have been considered at least partially dead tissue, however they have moved several times today so hopefully something is working.

Please keep Mom and my family in your prayers, She is still critical and very sick despite her improvements since Tues morning and is not out of the woods by a long shot. Pray they will be able to keep her stable and improving long enough they can find the problem and correct it. She is responding when she can hear us and has opened her eyes a few times, though not every time we ask her. However, she is not fully awake or conscious.

I believe in Miracles, we have already had one miracle that she is still with us, we need another one to pull her through this even after she is stable, it will be a long road.
Some of you already know some of this, but some of you are finding out for the first time. Thanks everyone for your love and prayers and pray Mom can be stablilized enough to help the Dr's figure out and correct the problem. Thanks everyone so much for caring. Love you all.

Meow Creations Etsy Shop- Supplies and Crochet
Marla's Nursery
Gifts of Love


Sandy said...

I will be keeping you, your Mother and your family in my prayers.

Mimi said...

Had to stop by and send hugs and my love your way. All I have been able to do is check my mail. Thanks you for letting me know. She will be covered in prayer....Mimi