Saturday, February 26, 2011

Just Checking In

Hi Everyone,

Just checking in real quick.... no I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, just very busy after my mom's illness and death trying to help my dad and sort through her stuff before I have to go back to work the first of the month. My hubby said "Must be nice not having to go to work."  MEN! He wasn't being ugly, you haveto know his background- he was brought up in a family that never made him a part of anything or treated him like family, so he really doesn't understand what all there is to do and be done. Nor that My dad and I are all each other has left blood family wise except my 91 year old greandmother who is barely there mentally and isn't any help. Nor does he understand what we are really going through. As I said he was mentally and emotionally abused somewhat but that is another story for another day. I do have to remember he is trying.... comments like the above are made innocently, not to be mean.

I did want to let some people know that I am still here, just havent had much puter time or time to check in for trying to go through the 3 closets worth of clothes, 150 or so pairs of shoes, probably 100 odd purses, and not to mention family records, pictures and heirlooms of my mom's. It'll take us 6 months literally. Right now I've trashed most of the stuff that we don't know what or who it is or isn't even fit to send to Goodwill, separated the rest into 3 sets, Goodwill, consignment run of the mill stuff, and consignment (a different store) fancy stuff or brand new.

OK I've got to run, thanks to everyone for checking on me, your comments and to Pam for my Stylish Blogger Award. I'll be back soon as I can.

Meow Creations Etsy Shop- Supplies and Crochet
Marla's Nursery
Gifts of Love


Mimi said...

Bless your heart..I can on imagine. My DIL's mother is breathing on her own. They said it would be quick, but it was not. There is no hope the cancer is all over even in her brain. All I can do is pray and call the prayer lines. I am so glad you and your dad have each other. We will keep you close.

Mimi said...

Glad you left a comment for me. Won't let up on the prayers. This is a hard time for you. God bless you hon and all you have to do.