Thursday, February 03, 2011

The Storm Missed Us

Hi Everyone,

Some of you have asked if we got buried in snow here in Western KY, the answer is no, not this time. 99% of the storm missed us and went north of us- we only got a few flurries. We got plenty of cold temps though- highs in the 20's next couple of days or so. Maybe 30's tomorrow if we're lucky, will feel like a heat wave.

I feel for those of you who lost power and got buried in snow- I'd like a little myself but no blizzards or ice storms please. Although it might be nice if we got snowed in for a few days and the power stayed on.... some relaxation time I badly need.

I opened my email this morn to another Etsy sale! Great- time to get some of this stuff outta the house. Etsy has been slow lately and I've been reluctant to try to post anything on Ebay for lack of time lately. I'm considering cutting my work hours, the stress of it all has been so hard on me but then again that will mean less money. Hmm what to do..... They've been cutting everyone else just about and increasing my hours which means the same 2-3 of us are doing most of the work at night and my job is very physical, picking up everything that comes thru that register. Over and Over and Over. My arms are sore to say the least.

Gonna drop a bag at Goodwill, a box at PO then probably someone coming to get the old washer and dryer I took out. Have a great day all!

Meow Creations Etsy Shop- Supplies and Crochet
Marla's Nursery
Gifts of Love