Friday, July 09, 2010

Running low on baby things to donate....

For the first time in a long time I'm running low on baby things to donate.... faster than I can make them seems like they go out. I do what I can but my funds are limited- need to stock up on dollar items etc I can donate out. If anyone has any quick patterns for things like baby size balls, or places to buy new items cheap please do let me know. I have a couple or so charities I donate to then help out with needs I see in my area- mostly working people who don't have extra $$ for baby things.

I'm working on enlarging someone else's sweater pattern and working on a hood for another right now... both going fairly slow due to working so much and trying like crazy to have a little time to clean out my house. Sweaters have been my thing lately.... not the weather for them right now at 90-100 degrees most places but will be soon.

Halloween items are cute but haven't even had time to think about making any- hopefully things will slow down a little. If you haven't already, please take a look at my previous post and share with your fellow animal lovers and bloggers- pictures and stories of my rescued kitties.

Marla's Nursery


Mimi said...

My charity basket is getting bigger. I think I will send my things to Chareston, Mo. to a misson there. I sent some last time and they were well recieved. I am going to send them this Fall so I still have some time.
Your meow- babies are adorable. My husband has one we are in the process of catching at his office. A dispatcher almost caught it last night. They are leaving food and water out. It breaks my heart.