Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I'm Knitting!!

Mimi and Bev and all my other knitting friends- you'll be so proud of me!! Believe it or not I finally got the hang of simple knitting!! Now if I can just learn to bind off, increase and decrease, and some other stitches most patterns call for I will be one of those darned knitters as well as a crocheter! I say this as a joke since there is often animosity between knitters and crocheters, each looking down on the other's craft.

The knitting class I was to take was cancelled at the last minute... apparently not everyone got a notification because along with about three other people I showed up anyway, so did one other lady who signed up and another two who were told to show up in case there was room for them. I got there and the lady said "Oh the teacher called in and cancelled all the classes- something came up and she couldn't teach them but she said she spoke with all the ones who signed up." Yeah right. They had two phone numbers and an email for me and I never once got a message or a call- and neither did the other ladies who showed up. The manager wasn't happy with the teacher but all she could do was refund the class fees. I'd have loved gas money refunded- that was tight and I had driven about 25 miles just for the class. Normally I only shop there when I am in the area anyway. I still need some help with some stitches and things though. And I'd love to learn to use double pointed needles for in the round projects.

So I have a couple of baby hats (on simple 2 needles) almost done, now to learn to bind off and finish them up. I'm going to start learning booties next- I have a simple pattern.

Crocheting is still much easier but both take practice for beginners to learn. As a friend of mine once told me about learning to sew, "When you've been doing it as many years as I have then we'll compare a few notes".

Job hunting is at a standstill pretty much right now for both me and Scott... not much out there and everyone has hiring freezes and the like going on. I'd like at least him to find a different job- the money would help but he is miserable where he works now. I hate having to send him every night. Me, I'd like a job for the extra money but that still won't help him any.

Scott is outside at the moment doing the leaves so I guess I should get going and try to make something out of this mound of clean laundry sitting on the table begging for someone to fold and put it up. I hate doing it but it isn't going to do itself.

Wish me luck everyone!!


Marla said...

You think 2 needles is a challenge wait til you try 3 or 4 double pointeds... I'm trying that next. Too many hat and bootie patterns I want to make call for them.

Mimi said...

Marla, I am sooo proud. If I can ever help let me know. I had my computer in town 4 times this week. The first time it worked for about an hour. I think they may have fixed me up this time. Its not right how I missed checking in on my blog family :) Remember just stick with it. I use to knit a project then reward myself with a crocheted one. Now I just love it all.

bevq said...

I think it is fantastic that you can knit now!! I LOVE to knit!! I can do it in the dark which makes it a good takealong when I go to the movie theatre. =) You are gonna love it!! Get the basics down, including decreasing and removing things, and then make some lovely warm items. =)
