Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A WIP Pic for you ..... Early

OK So it's not Wednesday for about 2 and a half hours yet... I'm putting this on while I have a chance to get the pics posted. The first one is a sock I started (who knows when it'll get finished) out of bargain bin Rainbow Wool Yarn from Hobby Lobby. I hit the jackpot the other day and they were in the process of marking some other yarns way down when I left today... stuff like $5-10 sock yarn, wool yarns, baby yarns etc for $1.50 to $3 or so.... boy how I wish I had an unlimited bank account!!! Anyway here's the starting of the sock out of one skein...

And an apple pic I found on the web to enlarge for our friend Doreen who lost all her apple kitchen stuff in a fire, save a few dishes. Her afghan I showed last post is still in progress.

Marla's Nursery
Gifts of Love


Pammy Sue said...

Hi, Marla! I love that apple basket picture!

Yes, that plate is from Hobby Lobby. I went crazy while I was there yesterday and bought a bunch of fall stuff. I can't help myself. I just love fall!

Have a great day!