Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Current WIP

I realized I hadn't posted in a while so I thought I'd post my current wip.... I did make a boo boo on an end but didnt notice it til several rows later but I think I can fudge it and make it not noticeable when I do the edging.

A full size afghan (or will be) I'm making for Doreen, the lady I mentioned who waits on us at IHOP; her trailer burned Labor day and she's already gotten some help and is back to work but I'm going to try to get this done before cold weather. Right now she's living in an RV where her trailer was, no air, heat, electric, water etc. Hopefully she can get back on her feet enough to get her another trailer or apartment.  That trailer looked like it was barely big enough for one person much less her and her son before it burned anyway. Hopefully she can get something a little better.

It's humbling to know that someone you see every day could be living in such bad shape and it not be obvious. Shows you never know someone's situation just by looking at or talking to them, and the amount of people out there that need help yet it's not obvious. She never would have asked for help otherwise if she hadn't lost everything.

So most of my baby blankets etc. have been put on hold until I finish this one. Maybe a small project here and there but this one comes first.

Marla's Nursery
Gifts of Love


Mimi said...

Awe, Marla your so sweet and thoughtful. Love the color.