Friday, March 25, 2005

WIP Poncho etc.

Real quick before bed... have to report that my poncho is about 75% done. I only lack about another row of the body, then the edging and collar. Think I can get it done tomorrow, definitely Saturday. Will be ready for Easter Sunday.

I took it with me in Cracker Barrel this morning and worked on it while we were waiting for our food- got quite a bit of attention over it. Everyone wanted to know what I was making. On the way out the door a lady asked me what I was crocheting and I said a poncho and she said "Oh yes, I like those. Especially that one Martha Stewart wore when she got out of jail". ROFLMAO!!!! I had to laugh and explained that was what I was working on then she nearly had a heart attack wanting to know where I got the pattern for it. Well I decided to be nice and tell her.... what I really should have said was I made it up and offered to make one for her for a fee!! ROFL! I'm so mean sometimes!! But I was a good girl and told her where to find the pattern.

Actually the thing was kind of expensive... 4 skeins of Homespun @ $4.57 ea. Now don't get the wrong idea- I actually hate Martha, can't stand to look at her or hear about her.... BUT I did think to myself "hmm I like that poncho" when she got on that plane in the news. I wondered at the time if it was something commercially bought (figured it was something her clothing line had made) or if someone had made it. Now we know.

Before I go.... Please pray for both Terri/family AND Michael Schiavo (Hey the bad guy needs our prayers as much as the innocent) as well as for those who lost relatives in the MN school shooting this week. May God be with them all.