Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Crochet and House decorating

Well today wasn't much of a day for anything but relaxation. But I needed it! I wound up staying up til almost 6am then sleeping in. About all I've accomplished today was getting another package ready to go out (This one is yarn scraps unusable to me for my charity projects, and spare skeins of yarn going to LoveAfghans4PRR a group that sends afghans to the elders and such on Pine Ridge Reservation in SD), and crocheting on a ghan (haven't decided if it will be a lapghan, child's ghan or comfortghan- could be either) using my Teardrop Granny Pattern. The thing I've noticed with this pattern is be sure to crochet LOOSELY or you will have the corners larger than the middle. Be sure to use a large enough hook that your crocheting isn't tight!!

I also was by Big Lots tonight; they've stopped selling yarn so nothing crochet to report there but I did pick up a bargain on garbage bags for the house (HEY we all need them, right??), a fleece blankie for my living room for $2.99- can't even buy the fleece on clearance for that- and a really pretty kitty rug/doormat for my den "porch" inside the door.

Well, off to do some more crocheting and *ugh!* sorting more stuff out to move or get rid of.