Monday, August 15, 2011

Looking for Octavia Octopus pattern from magazine

Hoping someone out there can help me- if anyone can hook (no pun intended) me up with the pattern or send me one there'll be a GOOD reward involved.

I'm looking for a pattern from a late 80's or early 90's crochet magazine called Octavia. She's done in rainbow colors in their picture (possibly Red Heart Mexicana) and she's full size- 11" or so not counting legs which are braided. This is not the bed doll or yarn octopus pattern. She has crocheted head and eyes with braided legs and it shows jingle bells on the ends of her legs.

Not sure, it could have been Crochet Magazine or Crochet World. I believe there was an elephant in a baby bonnet and some afghans in the same magazine. Here is the picture of the Elephant- I found it online!

I have not been able to find a similar one on the internet anywhere and do not have time to make one up from memory. There's a finder's reward if someone can hook me up with the CORRECT pattern. Please check your older magazines etc. and see if  by chance you have this pattern. I'd much appreciate it!

Meow Creations Etsy Shop- Supplies and Crochet
Marla's Nursery
Gifts of Love


Mimi said...

Hey little girl, The pattern may be in the bunch I am boxing up for you. I kind of remember it. I think it was in Crochet World. Yours are boxed up, but will check what very few I kept. Hugs to my dear!

Marla said...

Thanks Mimi- I hope so! I had it at one time and surely I didnt get rid of it but can't find it among my books anywhere. Working on getting other junk out so I can find the good stuff.