Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thanksgiving and patterns coming

Whew- what a week! I've been working so hard I've rarely had time to crochet or anything else. I'm off today and I'm gonna whip the first one that says "Let's go to Wal-mart"! I've got a full week next week just barely time Thanksgiving to eat dinner and get to work.

What little time I've had to crochet, I've been making up a pattern for a baby cocoon in crochet, most of which will be donated to Newborns in Need and Relief Share but I may put the pattern up on Etsy, we'll see. I've also got a couple of other ideas to turn into patterns but we'll see how time allows.

As for crochet I wish I could take it to work to work on during breaks and lunch, but I get nothing done. It has nothing to do with being ashamed of crocheting (far from it) or anything like that but usually when I take my crochet out in public unless it's to Hobby Lobby, Michaels, the yarn shop etc. here people have a million questions. "What are you doing? What are you making? Is that knit or crochet? I knew someone who did that once.... "  That sort of thing which I love talking to them but I can't get any crocheting done.

I'm off to actually crochet for a bit and relax a little, maybe watch some news and catch up on what I've missed. Have a great day all!

Meow Creations Etsy Shop- Supplies and Crochet
Marla's Nursery
Gifts of Love