Monday, October 18, 2010

Hubby Goes on a Yarn Run.... ROFL

Morning Everyone.....

I finally had Scott all to myself this weekend- first time he'd had more than one day off a week in forever. After a bout of stubbornness on his part over finding a new cell phone for him and a huge fight that followed, I guess he decided he'd better make it up to me. I reminded him (among many other things LOL) how he'd only been working or sleeping with me seeing and talking to him about 15 min or so a day if we were awake at the same time. For the last month or two mind you.

That was Saturday morning. Sat. night I came home from work to find that he had not only vacuumed (well, part of the house anyway LOL), changed the sheets on the bed, found a pink glove I'd been searching for for over a year...... and had me a sandwich from McD's ready when I got home. I must've hit a nerve... LOL

So then Sunday I asked him to run down to Michael's for me and check the door. Since about Oct 1 or so they've had a Halloween display of HUGE spiders posted at the door. I am not only terrified of the things, I have nightmares.... unrealistic type nightmares. I half wake up to turn over etc and think I see 8 or 10 on the ceiling, or one on the bed, or crawling up the wall...... you get the idea. So I've sent him down 2 or 3 times to see if the display is down yet. It hasn't been.... probably not til Halloween is over. He wanted to know what was so important down there anyway.... I was looking for a skein of their Impeccable yarn in Neopolitan. I told him I was going on to take a shower before work, just let me know if the Spiders were still there or not.

I get out of the shower, dry my hair, get dressed and when I came in the kitchen, guess what I found on the table.... ROFL

I had no idea he even knew where the yarn was in Michaels much less what I was talking about ROFL. I wonder how much help he had finding this. I wanted one skein for some possible mittens.... I got 2. I wish I had been a fly on the wall to see him trying to pick out yarn he knows nothing about LOL.

These two definitely won't be on etsy like some of my spare skeins of yarn..... they'll be made up pretty quickly. Have a great day all!!

Meow Creations Etsy Shop- Supplies and Crochet
Marla's Nursery
Gifts of Love