Friday, July 23, 2010

Small change

Have you ever noticed how everyone leaves change lying around?? I find change all over the place people don't want to bother to stop and pick up. It's not worth it to them to pick up a penny, dime, nickel or even quarters you find laying on the ground. Well, usually I turn the change I find back into my savings acct. but believe this- I picked up enough change the other day in a single day a few days ago to cover mailing one of my charity boxes!! A whole $7 worth! In my rounds to breakfast, across parking lots, store/restaurant floors, you name it I find change everywhere and it pays off.  It may not be worth it to some to stop and pick up those loose coins but if they don't want the change, send it my way!! It paid off for one of my charities the other day!!

Marla's Nursery
Gifts of Love