Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Turning colder....

It's sure turning colder outside. Wanting to start a couple pair of socks for me but short on time at the moment. Scott was off last night for my Birthday, it was nice to spend time with him but took up the time I usually have for "me". Can't crochet much with a man around to clean up after LOL.

I've been crocheting some patches (I hate calling them squares since they aren't really) for Warm Up America. That's one thing I can afford to do since my local Michael's is collecting the squares rather than me having to pay to mail them somewhere. I'm also thinking about taking a knitting class at Michael's next month. I have a little self-taught knitting experience but not very much. Would love for someone to teach me.

As I said, it was my birthday yesterday and we had a very nice dinner at my grandparents (it was also my grandfather's birthday too), Scott surprised me by taking the night off, and I got some birthday money along with some other goodies from my parents and a new Litter maid for the kitties since our old one gave out earlier this month. Mom had been going on all those shopping trips and hadn't brought me back a thing, now I know why!!

Anyway, I'm about to go back to crocheting- Dateline should be on in a few minutes. I may work on a scarf pattern if I can find the extra time to work it up!!