Monday, October 03, 2005

My newest pattern and FO

Between trying to play catch up in the house (aren't I always?? I have a husband- that explains it all!!) and get the house and shed cleaned up and set up this week I did manage to get some FO's done. The bootie pattern above was written and submitted to NIN for their very own if they choose. I did make up a bonnet pattern which will go for the same purpose but I have yet to write it out.

Soon as I get a spare minute or two I'll start on some Christmas decorations and get that Christmas tree skirt pattern I have in mind started. I know pretty much how I'll do it- it's just the formation that has to be done.

Been doing a little blog reading- sorry I haven't commented- my time at the puter is still gaining momentum slowly. Look forward to hearing from all my online buddies again! I've missed you all!!