Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Sara tagged me with this one a while back and I'm just now getting to it. Sorry Sara- I know I'm behind!!!

Idiosyncrasy- a structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group. Write down 5 of yours then tag 5 people if you like.

1. When I receive junk mail with a Business Reply Mail envelope enclosed, I tear all the contents except the business reply mail envelope up and mail it back to them, usually sticking in some more junk. They have to pay the postage according to weight. Wish I had some fishing sinkers!!

2. If someone's tailgating me, I either stay at the same speed or slow down gradually and force them to either back off, pass or change lanes. I won't move up or over if they're going to ride my bumper!

3. I play Christmas movies all year around.

4. I crumble crackers in my chicken noodle soup; hubby floats his like a boat.

5. Once I start a CD or DVD, I usually keep it on repeat til I get sick of it. (Usually days or months later)

OK there's my 5 characteristic behaviors; Sara's already tagged me, I'm tagging Sharon, Lisa, Tara, Deneen, and Kari H. You guys wanna try it?


Anonymous said...

I can't think of 5 but I'm guilty of your #2 and #4.