Monday, May 23, 2005

I'd love to relax .... (Also the book of James)

But too much to be done that won't do itself. Still about 25 or 30 more Thank you notes to be written, more packing- both for the honeymoon and the move, throw in Taffy's cage needs to be cleaned/washed out so I can take her up to the house, every day chores like laundry.... Oh- and add PMS to the Mix. Luckily that never lasts long but I feel like I either need six more weeks to get everything done or about 10 more of ME.

Angel's being really clingy lately- she knows something's going on, that everything in the house is all torn up and she doesn't understand. I know moving and getting used to another cat are going to be hard on her. Actually I feel sorry for her- she has almost as much change to go through as I do.

Forgive my rants- I'm on an emotional kick tonight between the PMS, the pressure to get everything done and in order. Two weeks til the wedding and I'm ready, just would like to go through everything in slow motion so I can enjoy it and not be rushed so it all seems like a blur. Thank God (Literally- if he is willing to allow it) for two weeks alone with Scott after the wedding- one of them in Florida at Disney World, which should be my favorite place on earth. I want to take the time to enjoy it, enjoy Scott and our time together as newlyweds, and just relax from this whole fiasco. Someone shoot me if I ever move again.... or send me Samantha the Witch. Or the US Army to do it for me.

Not much new on the crochet front.. only chance I've had to crochet lately was during slower points at the Yard sale Saturday on a lapghan I've started with a skein of Holly & Ivy yarn I had, and another one I got from Sara.

It's even Sunday night and still nothing on the Gospel channels. I don't watch them much because they often preach different ideas than I believe, but once in a while I find a preacher or show that is straight from the bible, not a specific religion or far-off teachings that I like to watch. No CD player upstairs so I can't play my favorite gospel CD's I usually play to relax. I feel like some good bible study/worship right now but unfortunately it's after 1am and evening services let out several hours ago. So it's me, myself and I (and God) and my bible. I find myself studying the remainder of the book of James. We're just finishing up the study of the book in our Sunday School class. Mostly regarding Faith, works, and faith in action. We had about a 3 week pause while one of the elders came in and spoke with us about a church growth seminar we had not long ago. Important and interesting but I'll be glad to get back to our actual fellowship and bible study/discussion class. (Our Ladies' class also focuses on our relationships as Sisters in Christ and how we can support, encourage, and help one another.) During the study of the book of James, I have found another verse I'm fond of: James 4:17 Anyone then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.

Many of us, and especially myself would do well to remember this. For some reason this spoke to me. OK, not for some reason, for the reason there are a lot of things I know I should be doing, but they don't always get done. And it's not usually because not everyone can do everything either- it's often because of procrastination, or things that are less important get put first. I know I'm not the only one, but I should always remember which things are more important and matter the most. Like my spiritual life and my call to do good when I can and strive to live a Christian life; My prayer that I be forgiven when I fall short by saying and doing things I shouldn't and failing to say and do things I should.

This isn't my version of preaching, just speaking what's on my mind at the moment. If my thoughts touch someone else spiritually, it's just one more good thing I have done.

Actually I feel much better having expressed my thoughts on here as well as to God; I know he is listening as well. I am going to go and finish the book of James. No, I don't read my Bible every night, although it would do me good to do so. However I find it gives me more joy every time I make the time to pick it up. If you're looking for something to read, take a look at the book of James. If you're troubled in any way, I'd recommend the book of Job also to start out with.

*Taking my own advice and reading my bible like I should do every night- then another good deed that is to be done- saying thank you and finishing some more thank you notes for gifts and kind actions regarding our wedding*


Lulu said...

wow, it wont be long now...Sounds like you still have lots to do..
hope you find a little time just for you..
take care,