Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Comments and updates

Wow look at all the comments since last night! Thank you Everyone! Thought I'd make a rare daytime post on here and do a little updating and question answering since I've been busy last week or so. I'm planning another yard sale but this time at least some of it is all together. So there isn't quite as much work to be done. Just mostly putting stuff out and maybe getting a few more things together.

Nice to see Sara back!! Missed seeing you online- hope you're taking care of yourself with that busy schedule of yours.

Thanks to my friends from who came over to visit and actually left comments! I like to visit blogs and try to at least leave a "Hi, I came to visit" comment if nothing else.

If time allows there's a couple, three wim's I'd like to become wip's but depends on what goes on. There's my mystery project, a baby toy (both designs of my own), Dot's Gentle Ripples poncho (I have the PERFECT yarn for it), a baby blanket for some friends.... OK so that's 4 and counting.... And maybe some socks if time allows. But I need to get some of my current wip's out of the way too.

Scott is doing a little better, no emergencies lately or anything but his blood sugar is still unstable to one extreme or the other. For those of you who haven't kept up or are just joining me, my Fiancee is a strictly insulin dependent diabetic and all of a sudden the Sat. before Easter his blood sugar started going haywire and bottoming out for no good reason. We're still messing with it on a daily basis trying to get it straightened out. Please keep praying for him. Seems whichever way the Dr. adjusts his insulin, it goes the other way. I've got him an appt. with a new Dr. but he can't get in before the last of May so unless it gets to the dire point he has to go to the ER or something like that he is going to have to fool with his old Dr. until he can see the new one. Thank you to everyone who has asked about and prayed for him- please do keep him in your prayers, especially that the Lord will keep him safe until he can see this new Dr. The new Dr. is my Dr. as well as several people I know and members of my family and although he isn't a specialist he is very good with diabetics, so I'm doing all the praying, finger crossing, whatever works that he can get him straightened out a whole lot more than his "specialist" is doing right now.

On the bright side I'm hoping to do a little updating of my side menu in the near future. Have a BUNCH of blogs and things bookmarked to add, may even have to add a section for crochet blogs! Dot's (as well as many others) is also included- I love your patterns!!! What was that I heard?? That you've been stopping by without leaving a comment?? Why how dare you- that's grounds for a free Pattern from you!!!! Oh wait, your patterns are all free.... Oh well since you fessed up I guess I'll let ya get by with it. ;o) Thanks for stopping by!

Oh well I'm off to crochet something and maybe a short nap before supper- was up late last night waiting for Scott to call since his sugar was off again. I don't mind staying up if it means I know he's OK but I'm worn out!!

Thanks everyone for stopping by- Stay tuned for the next episode.....


Crocheted Monkey said...

Just thought I stop and say i read you blog. Yet another friend from Crochetville.

Crocheted Monkey

sara said...

Don't you just love comments??? I do! Sorry to hear Scot is still having blood sugar issues.

Kellycat said...

Ok I get the message! Hi! I'm also from Crochetville, and I have been reading your blog... so there! lol